Wagamama menu work accessible now for sight loss


⭐️ ⭐️Positive Changes for the future… back in October 2022 we met up with our long time friend we all had so much to catch up on @stephstar87 We Went to @wagamama_uk together for lunch to sample there new large print menus it was a wonderful experience to be looked after by the manger Chris he was so kind and friendly we feel so proud to have been able to work alongside this brand and change for future generations. Whilst visiting back in February there was new menu it was inaccessible not only to us but to our other friend who had forgotten her glasses so we went with something we already had ordered without having to look but it got us thinking how accessibility is met but sight loss isn’t or thought about. So we dropped an email to the head office. Waited for reply and it wasn’t long they where so nice and so sorry that we couldn’t use there new menus and wanted us for a phone chat to address and make changes in there brand so we spoke with Max and he was so nice and accommodating on ideas and prints fonts background colours he said it will take while as we didn’t realise but every restaurant could have a different menu as they have to source the ingredients in each location and there’s 205 sites but the creative team where on a mission and positive changes are coming. And boom they where launched along with braille menus. They are amazing we all got to read one so clear with a clear key for food intolerances, we really enjoyed our lunch together thank you Wagamamas for listening & making accessible changes and thank you for providing lunch on you. It was epic if you need a larger print or braille no reason required ask your server at your local Wagamamas restaurant. 
Please feel free to share this post and make accessibility known. #accessibility #largeprintmenu #wagamama #sightloss #visionimpaired #visuallyimpaired #notalldisabilitiesarevisible #postivevibes #postivechanges @rnib @sensecharity @guidedogsuk #largeprintbooks #largeprintingformat


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